Home use of JollyHeap® magnetic blocks

thuisgebruik magnetische blokken

We live to play
For children game is a way of knowing the world…
Choose our educational toy in accordance to the interests of a child – it is a joint creation, plenty of fun and positive collective game, while the toy does not create unnecessary noise!
Spend time together! Take care of Your child’s development. Choose educational toys for your children!

• Game
The first games with the blocks begin with experimentation (throwing, skating, touching), then they are used for construction, and then – as a material for creating of story games.
Construction is the most important kind of activity for children of primary school and preschool age. It is important that toys for constructing gave the opportunity of expression of imagination and encouraged to explore, experiment and know. A large number of multi-colored elements motivates to play all kinds of social roles and situations, while playing in a group or alone.

• Development
With their help a child learns about color, shape, magnetism, logical connections between separate elements.
Playing with a magnetic toy, children not only create a variety of shapes and two or three-dimensional structures, but also develop motor skills, attention, spatial imagination, associative thinking and develop zeal and diligence. This set allows to create different structures using soft elements, thus developing motor skills and visual memory, imagination and coordination of movements, as well as stimulates the child’s interest to science, and encourages to become acquainted with physics.

You’ll not get bored with them!


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